Damascus Preschool

Step into the world of Damascus Preschool, where young minds embark on an extraordinary journey of learning and growth. With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to nurturing every child, Damascus Preschool sets the stage for a bright and fulfilling future.

At Damascus Preschool, we believe that every child deserves a nurturing and stimulating environment to thrive. Our curriculum is designed to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and lay the foundation for lifelong success.

Preschool Overview

Damascus preschool

Damascus Preschool, established in 2010, is a reputable preschool that has been providing high-quality early childhood education to the Damascus community for over a decade.

Our mission is to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment where young children can develop their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical skills. We believe that every child is unique and has the potential to thrive in a supportive and engaging learning environment.

Curriculum and Educational Approach, Damascus preschool

Our curriculum is designed to foster a love of learning and encourage curiosity in young children. We use a play-based approach that incorporates hands-on activities, exploration, and discovery. Our curriculum is aligned with the Oregon Early Learning Standards and is designed to prepare children for kindergarten and beyond.

Facilities and Resources

Damascus preschool

Damascus Preschool boasts a comprehensive range of facilities and resources that foster a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for our young students.

Our preschool features spacious and well-equipped classrooms that are designed to meet the developmental needs of each age group. The classrooms are adorned with colorful and engaging materials, creating a vibrant and inviting atmosphere that sparks curiosity and creativity.

Play Areas and Equipment

Beyond the classrooms, our preschool offers ample outdoor play areas that provide children with opportunities for physical activity, exploration, and social interaction. These areas are thoughtfully designed with age-appropriate equipment, such as swings, slides, climbing structures, and sandboxes, encouraging gross motor development, coordination, and imaginative play.

For little ones, learning can be as sweet as a cupcake! Explore our collection of preschool cupcake activities that foster creativity and fine motor skills.

Books, Toys, and Technology

Our preschool is committed to providing a rich and diverse range of resources that support our students’ cognitive, social, and emotional development. Our well-stocked library offers a wide selection of books that cater to various interests and reading levels, fostering a love of literature and language.

We also provide a variety of toys and games that encourage creativity, problem-solving, and cooperation. Our preschool is equipped with age-appropriate technology, such as interactive whiteboards and tablets, which are used to enhance learning experiences and engage students in new and innovative ways.

Get your preschoolers moving and grooving with our preschool dance videos! These fun and engaging dance routines promote coordination, rhythm, and self-expression.

Safety and Security

The safety and well-being of our students are of utmost importance to us. Our preschool is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, including CCTV cameras and controlled access to the premises. We have a comprehensive safety plan in place, and all staff members undergo thorough background checks and training in emergency procedures.

Looking for a comprehensive preschool curriculum? Our free resources offer a wide range of activities, lesson plans, and printable worksheets that support children’s development in all areas, from literacy to math. Access our preschool curriculum free materials today!

Our preschool is designed to provide a secure and nurturing environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive.

Staff and Administration

Damascus Preschool prides itself on its dedicated and experienced staff. Our team of educators and administrators is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for your child.

Our teachers are all certified in early childhood education and have extensive experience working with young children. They are passionate about creating a positive and engaging learning experience for each child.


The preschool’s administration is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the school. The administration team includes the director, assistant director, and office manager.

  • The director is responsible for the overall leadership of the school. They work closely with the staff to ensure that the school is meeting its goals and objectives.
  • The assistant director assists the director in managing the school. They are also responsible for overseeing the curriculum and ensuring that the school is in compliance with all applicable regulations.
  • The office manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the school. They handle all administrative tasks, such as registration, billing, and scheduling.

Support Personnel

In addition to our teachers and administrators, Damascus Preschool also has a team of support personnel who help to ensure that the school runs smoothly. Our support personnel includes our kitchen staff, maintenance staff, and bus drivers.

  • Our kitchen staff prepares and serves nutritious meals and snacks for our students.
  • Our maintenance staff keeps the school clean and in good repair.
  • Our bus drivers safely transport our students to and from school.

Programs and Activities

Damascus acts sundayschoolzone

Our preschool offers a comprehensive range of age-appropriate programs and activities tailored to meet the developmental needs of our young learners.

Our curriculum is designed to foster cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth through engaging and stimulating activities.

In preschool, activities like preschool cupcake activities can foster creativity and fine motor skills. Additionally, exploring preschool curriculum free resources online can provide a wealth of educational content for teachers and parents alike. Engaging in activities such as preschool dance can promote physical development and rhythm.

Daily Routine

Our daily routine provides a balance of structured and unstructured activities, allowing children to explore, learn, and interact with their peers and teachers.

  • Morning activities include free play, circle time, and group projects.
  • Lunchtime provides an opportunity for children to socialize and develop table manners.
  • Afternoon activities include outdoor play, sensory exploration, and quiet time for reading or napping.

Special Events and Extracurricular Activities

Throughout the year, we host special events and offer extracurricular activities to enrich the preschool experience.

  • Special events include field trips, holiday celebrations, and community involvement projects.
  • Extracurricular activities may include music classes, dance classes, and sports programs.

Parent Involvement: Damascus Preschool

Parent involvement is crucial for a child’s success in preschool and beyond. Engaged parents foster a positive learning environment, support their child’s development, and enhance the preschool’s programs.

Parents can participate in their child’s education in various ways, including:


  • Assisting in the classroom with activities and projects.
  • Participating in field trips and special events.
  • Supporting the preschool’s fundraising efforts.

Communication and Support

Open communication between parents and teachers is essential for a child’s well-being and progress. Parents should:

  • Attend parent-teacher conferences to discuss their child’s development and progress.
  • Communicate with teachers regularly about their child’s behavior, interests, and concerns.
  • Support the preschool’s policies and procedures.

Community Partnerships

Damascus Preschool recognizes the importance of fostering strong relationships within the community. We believe that partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and schools can greatly benefit our preschool and its students.

These partnerships provide opportunities for our students to engage with the wider community, learn about different professions and industries, and develop a sense of belonging. In turn, the preschool contributes to the local community by providing resources, support, and volunteer opportunities.

Local Businesses

  • Partner with local businesses to provide field trips, guest speakers, and materials for our classrooms.
  • Offer opportunities for students to participate in community service projects and learn about local businesses.

Community Organizations

  • Collaborate with community organizations to provide access to health and wellness services, family support programs, and enrichment activities for our students and families.
  • Partner with local libraries to promote literacy and provide access to books and resources.


  • Establish partnerships with local elementary schools to ensure a smooth transition for our students as they enter kindergarten.
  • Collaborate on joint projects and events that foster a sense of community and shared learning.

Concluding Remarks

Damascus Preschool stands as a beacon of early childhood education, empowering young learners to reach their full potential. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the classroom, as we foster strong partnerships with families and the community to create a truly enriching experience for every child.

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